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School Board

Troy Scott

Troy E. Scott
President, District A
Current Term: 2021-2024

Doug Weaver

Douglas K. Weaver
Vice President, District C
Current Term: 2021-2024

Kellie Mullins

Kellie L. Mullins
Secretary, At-Large
Current Term: 2023-2026

Anne VonDerVellen

Anne VonDerVellen
Member, District B
Current Term: 2025-2028

Mike Burnett

Michael A. Burnett
Member, At-Large
Current Term: 2023-2026

E Ivory Headshot

Eric Ivory
Member, At-Large
Current Term: 2025-2028

Dacey Davis

Dacey S. Davis
Member, District D
Current Term: 2025-2028

Elkhart Community Schools is led under the direction of the Board of School Trustees, commonly referred to as the “school board.” The ECS school board is comprised of seven members from four districts, elected by registered voters living within the boundaries of Elkhart Community Schools. ECS Trustees serve 4-year terms that begin in January, following a November election. The Board’s main function is to oversee the operation of the school corporation and to promote continuous student improvement.

The Board of School Trustees is responsible for developing the policies by which our school system operates. It acts upon recommendations made by the superintendent and staff on a wide variety of matters including hiring personnel, developing the annual budget, authorizing the spending of funds, reviewing and revising curriculum, and other school issues. No one person or group of persons may act in the name of the board. For an item to become official, a majority of the board must vote in favor of the motion during an official public meeting.

Agendas for public meetings are available for your information (see below). Board members receive the agenda and supporting documents well in advance of each meeting so they can study the materials and be prepared to make decisions. Members of the community are encouraged to attend and welcome to speak at board meetings, as described below.

If you wish to contact any member of the Board of School Trustees, please contact the board secretary at 574-262-5500.

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