Title I Pre-K
Elkhart Community Schools' Title I Pre-K program follows the Tools of the Mind program for instruction. Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood program that embeds development of executive functions and self-regulation into the design of all teaching and learning activities. We leverage make-believe play and a classroom culture of co-regulation and peer scaffolding to build the foundational skills children need to be successful in school and life.
Qualifications for Enrollment in the Title I Pre-K Program
- Student must be 4 years old on or before August 1 for Fall enrollment
- Student's home address must fall within the boundaries of an ECS Title I school buildings: Title I Schools
- Student must be fully toilet-trained.
Title I Pre-K Program Days/Hours at Hawthorne Early Learning Center
- Monday-Thursday: 7:10am to 1:10pm
- Breakfast: 7:10am
- Lunch: 10:10am
- Snack: 12:40pm
- Friday: 7:10am to 9:40am
- Breakfast: 7:10am
- No lunch/snack served on Friday
Transportation is currently available for Title I Pre-K students. Students can also be dropped off and picked up by a parent/guardian/caregiver.
Title I Pre-K
Title I PreK Program
Hawthorne Early Learning Center
501 W. Lusher Avenue
Elkhart, IN 46517
Meredith Warnock
Supervisor of Early Childhood Programs and Principal of Hawthorne Early Learning Center