Roosevelt STEAM Academy
Roosevelt STEAM Academy provides a unique educational experience that enables every child to realize their full potential with dreams for the future, and the skills and abilities to realize those dreams. Students are fully engaged in their education at Roosevelt ‒ from student-led semester-long projects to performing in the Roosevelt band, starting in third grade. Roosevelt is the only accredited STEM school in the Elkhart area, which emphasizes a hands-on approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The “A” in STEAM stands for Art, a valuable component Roosevelt adds to the traditional STEM curriculum. Students begin music at Roosevelt in third grade with many going on to perform throughout high school and beyond. The strong musical program at Roosevelt is made possible by generous community and business partnerships. An education at Roosevelt is rounded out by robust afterschool programs.
In 2021, Roosevelt opened the doors to the district's self-contained High Ability program for elementary students, designed to help the brightest students meet their fullest potential.
We welcome you to tour Roosevelt to see our High Ability and STEAM curriculum in action!
Roosevelt STEAM Academy Calendar
Calendar & Category Legend:
- ECS District
- Roosevelt STEAM Academy