As students enter 6th grade, they are invited to join the middle school orchestra program. Sixth graders who participate in middle school orchestra will be transported during the school day to the appropriate middle school (based on boundaries). Each April, the district hosts a "try-out" night where students can try a variety of instruments with the assistance of ECS music department staff and Quinlan & Fabish Music Company.
Frequently Asked Questions about Middle School Band and Orchestra
Frequently Asked Questions about Buying/Renting an Instrument
Summer Beginning Band and Orchestra
Once a student has participated in band or orchestra try-outs and has decided on what instrument to play, they are invited to attend the beginning band and orchestra classes, held each summer!
Elkhart Community Schools will provide a summer instruction program designed to adequately introduce your child to their instrument in a group session before the start of school. The dates of this year’s summer music program will be July 6th-29th. The summer program is highly recommended for participation in Beginning Band or Orchestra. During the summer, students begin in small group lessons, by instrument, for an hour of instruction each day. We have found that the students who participate in the summer program are much better prepared when the full group meets for the first time in September.
- Dates: July 6 – 29, 2022
- Location: TBD
- Cost: $75 ($25 for students who are approved for free and reduced lunches )
- 8:00am: Flute & Trumpet; Violin
- 9:00am: Baritone & Clarinet; Viola
- 10:00am: Sax & Trombone; Cello & Bass
- 11:00am: Percussion; Violin